25 September 2013


'Over 60 longboarders came together a few weekends ago to support the female skating community in Brisbane, Australia. Birds On Boards helped team rider Aki Yaguchi raise some Ca$h Money to get her a custom leather racing suit by holding the first ever Costume Partner Race!'

I feel as though the above statement has produced a number of questions in your mind whether you realise it or not. So here is my attempt at answering some of them.

Question One: What in the world is a Costume Partner Race?

Well this is how we ran it: Two teams made up of two people each (who must be wearing matching costumes) race against each other to be the first team across the finish line. We had 4 round robins where teams where awarded points for winning, and at the end of the 4 rounds the top 16 teams with the highest amount of points would move on into the finals. From there the top 16 raced in an elimination style format until we arrived with one team that ruled them all.

An interested push line twist was introduced to make things interesting and it went something like this: One member from each team was allowed one push and once they had crossed a designated push line the second member was allowed to go. The second member was allowed as many pushes as they wanted and it was up to them to bump their other team member all the way to the finish line. It was quite entertaining watching all the teams come up with their own tactics and what not to try and be the best. If anything grommets learnt that team work and communication really matter.

Question Two: What were some of the best costumes?

There were so many creative costumes but the winner of best dressed went to 'The White Chicks' simply because they looked way too good as women.

Special mentions go to: Animal Chin, Blades of Glory, Breaking Bad, The Nambour Knights & Rainbow Warriors. I was so stoked to see so many people putting so much effort in to their costumes, check them all out by CLICKING HERE!

Question Three: Which team won?

Well this is where it gets pretty brilliant, after a full day of racing there were two teams who hadn't lost a single heat and they both ended up in the final. It was team 'Blades of Glory' vs 'The White Chicks'. Blades of Glory had finessed their push line technique and it was there that the race was won, all they had to do was stay on their boards and that is exactly what they did. (I also put it down to their ridiculous aero costumes, which hurt many eyes during the day due to its restrictive nature in the lower region). To watch the final CLICK HERE!

The consolation final was nothing short of ridiculous as well. Ending in a four man pile up on the last corner of the track. Very very entertaining. Here were the results:

  1. Blades of Glory (Michael English & Myles Borchardt)
  2. The White Chicks (Liam Coppleman & Patrick Walker)
  3. Sk8er Bums (Josh Evans & Matt Bates)
  4. Animal Chin (Wipunga & Ash Donaldson)

Question Four: How does raising money for a leather suit for one rider help grow the female skating community?

Now that is a dam good question, well you see us at Birds On Boards feel as though you have to start small. You start with one & you will reach hundreds. Aki Yaguchi rips hard, and now thanks to those who supported the race, she now rips hard safely. She can now hit bigger hills, skate faster & develop her skills in a way she couldn't before. We hope that other girls will see that there is a growing community of women who aren't afraid to skate bigger and better things than the boys. A community that supports the individual, a community that rewards the individual but most importantly a community that is all putting others before yourself. It isn't about self promotion rather the promotion of a kick ass community!

It should also be noted that we raised more than enough money to pay for Aki's leathers and the remaining cash was given away as prize money.

Question Five: Which fully sick mad companies backed this event by throwing down prizes?

So thankful to all the companies that backed this event, so much product was given away and it made our hearts very happy. Nothing better than local companies that support girls on skateboards.

Wrighty's Speed Equipment - the best footstops known to mankind.

Utility Parts - the longest lasting pucks you will ever find.

Supersports - the greatest distribution company in Australia.

Sk8er - the cutest skate shop in Australia.

Question Six: Will there be another race?

Dahhhh - Of course there will be!!!!

And on that note, thanks to all who came out on the day and be sure to look out for Aki in her new leathers ripping it up at the next race. Oh and here is a picture of Aki to get you stoked!

Photos supplied by JDN Photography & Tim Wright Photography

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