3 October 2013


Here are the Top 10 Reasons you should learn how to skate, based on what I have experienced over the last few years!

by Phoebe Cochrane

1. If you are female your chances of finding a boyfriend are rocketed exponentially. As women make up 1-2 % of the entire scene. #justsaying

2. You will develop ridiculously defined leg muscles. Please Note: you may end up with some muscles on one leg bigger than the other. #yolo

3. Walking is not efficient! Why walk to the shops, when you can skate!

4.  You can be apart of one of the most loving & accepting communities in the world.

5. You learn the art of never giving up! You may practice a trick over and over, and when you nail it no one may see it happen. But there is no greater feeling that will ever match that level of self satisfaction! 

6. It gets you outside! Computers, TV & GTA 5 are overrated!

7. Its a new way to express emotions and feelings. For a few minutes nothing else matters, there is kind of overwhelming abandonment of reality! Its just you, a skateboard and the choicest vibes! 

8. You save money on belts! When you are a skater you can get away with having a shoelace as a belt. When people ask,"Why is a shoelace holding your pants up?" You can reply with, "Oh, it is cause I'm a skater!"

9. You will become in essence a hip and happening homedawg. Skating makes people think that you are cool, even if you aren't. #itworkedforme

10. It will be the most fun you will ever have in your entire life!

Why is it that you skate?? Leave your response in the comments section below!


  1. I skate for the adrenaline rush you get when mobbin through gnarly corners with your best mates, trying your hardest not to let them beat you down the hill!

    1. Yeww! Keep it up Jacob! You know whats up!
