21 November 2013

Product Review: TSG Knee Gaskets

This is the first of a bunch of product reviews that we are planning on doing. Whether they are written by myself or by some other rad hombre the intention behind them is to answer you questions. Questions like, 'What board is best for me?' or 'Are those trucks really worth the money?' etc etc etc...Basically, what we want to answer all the gear related questions that you have running around in your head! So if you want a certain product reviewed please be sure to comment below!!!

So here we go, the first product review...

After I had two really bad stacks where I sprained the ligaments in my knees (one stack was longboarding & one skateboarding, im just generally a kook), it was recommended to me to get a set of TSG Knee Gaskets. 

Thanks to the team over at Supersports, I have been skating with TSG  Knee Gaskets for around 3 weeks now. If you didn't know already TSG Knee gasket pads go underneath you normal knee pads and give extra support and stability to the knee. The TSG's rock two flexible springs which run either side of your knee which give support to the ligaments. This comes in handy when you do things like squatting down to rail a heel side corner or when you fall all on your knees awkwardly. Another killer feature with the TSG Gaskets the extra impact protection they provide. When you stack they cushion and protect the knee. The gaskets  incorporate two velcro strips above and below the knee cap which ensure your kneepads aren't going to slip when you do take a fall (There is nothing worse than doing a knee slide with your knee pads down at your ankles!)

Here are a few hot tips to keep in mind when buying and using theTSG Knee Gaskets:

- Make sure you buy these a size smaller than you think feels comfortable. Just like when you buy normal kneepads, gaskets will also stretch over time! So go into your local store and ask the staff to help you out!

- Make sure you still run an external kneepad for abrasion protection. If you fall on the road with just gaskets on they will rip!

- When putting on or taking gaskets off I recommend you hold each side of the gasket (where the springs are) and pull them up over the top of your knee that way! If you try and pull them from just the front you will have issues!

If you have ever had any sort of knee injury and never quite feel like your normal kneepad gives you enough ligament support, or you know that you fall awkwardly and it's just a matter of time before you do some ligament damage, I would straight up recommend you getting your hands on a set of TSG Knee Gaskets! After all, you need knees!

Stay Safe 'n' Stay Stoked!

Here's a picture of me just before Im about to put the TSG Gasket/All Terrain combo to the test!

Rad action shot by J.D.N Photography!

TSG Knee Gaskets are available at:

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