1 January 2014

A Lesson For 2014 From 2013

As long as we have new years we will have new years resolutions, whether you like it or not everyone loves the idea of a fresh start. The new year brings with it an opportunity to learn from your mistakes of the year just gone. A great deal happened for me and my skating in 2013, I learnt a lot all in preparation for the year I find myself starting - 2014!

Last year I dropped in on a 9ft bowl, went over 90km an hour, got asked to ride for a number of radical companies all for the first time, oh and I realised that skating is something I want to do forever. The biggest lesson I learnt in 2013 was if you want to get good at something, you actually have to do it. 

I caught myself for a long time imagining how to do certain slides into a corner, or how to ollie or how to drop in. And don't get me wrong visualising something is a very handy thing, but you truly are never going to be able to say your did a switch toey unless you actually get on a board and try. There are only so many youtube tutorials, so many times you can ask how to do something on forum pages, there really is only one way to land that trick you always wanted to and that is by doing it. 

Yes you might fall 24 out of the 25 times you try (this happens to me a lot) but that one time you do nail it, you take a mental picture of what that felt like and you replicate it. You now know what that dude on youtube meant by what it feels like to lose traction and hook back up, you now know how much weight you have to put on your front foot in order to drop in. So if there was one lesson I learnt from all of 2013 it is that you have to do it, in order to do it. 

#getonyourboard #getoffyoutube

I would like to thank all my sponsors that I picked up in 2013, without them I would still be skating but with them I can do more than just skate. Most of these guys started out just being my sponsors but now I call most of them my friends. They are the ones who backed me and the female skating community and I couldn't be more grateful for that. To Glyde Longboards (Lesso, Pete & Ash), Pretty Noise Lab Trucks (Douglas & Denny), Technical Safety Gear (Rodney & Bec), SK8ER (Ian & Karen), Abec 11 (Tony)  and Wright's Speed Equipment (Tim) thank you for the gear, the advice, the support and most of all the fun!

 Happy New Year from Me (Phoebe Cochrane) & BirdsOnBoards

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