14 January 2014

GCGC Skate Camp - No Boys Allowed*

We interviewed Alex Walls one of the chick rippers from across the channel to find out a little bit about what went down at the Garden City Girls Crew Skate Camp over the past week.

*Boys were allowed if they wore dresses and had long hair.

B.O.B. - Tell me a little about what you got up to in the last few days?
Alex - I've just spent the past week skateboarding and camping with a gang of rad chichas (and one or two males) here in Christchurch.

B.O.B. - Rock on, what was the best part for you?
Alex - Ooh, that's a tricky question! Progressing was sick, I don't think I've ever skated as fast down a hill as I did on the camp, also getting comfortable with mobbing hills in a pack and bump drafting. What was a really good feeling was seeing the other girls just give everything a go and have a blast doing it. The stoke levels were out of this world, it was fantastic

B.O.B. -  Were there many beginners?
Alex - Yep, a few. we had Kim who came all the way from Cairns for the camp. Didn't, know anyone, never skated before in her life. The first day we were holding her hand while she rolled along and at the end of the week she was bombing down some reasonably steep slopes and learning how to Ollie! And Kiri, learnt how to bomb a hill, 2 days later she was competing in the Summit Outlaw, doing pretty well on 4kms of the worlds worst chip seal.

B.O.B. - Chip seal is of the devil, I bet you made friends for life though.
Alex - Yeah defiantly, we miss each other already haha. I don't really know how to explain (I think every female skateboarder will know what I mean) but there's just something about skating with other girls, it's like a sisterhood. Skating with the boys is rad but there's just something special about skating with another lady.

B.O.B. - It can never be explained, that's the magic behind it. So you guys legit camped?
Alex - We kind of cheated a little bit. The first few nights we camped but it was so windy and chilly we dragged all our stuff into the kitchen/dining area and slept in there.

B.O.B. - Resourceful, like a boss. I'm assuming there were some gnarly pavement eating stacks?
Alex - That's how the realist bitches camp yo! Oh yeah a few aye. Ling took a bit of fall on the mini ramp and banged her face ending up with a nice bruise on her cheek. I lost a bit of skin on my bum and I think we all took a stack during the race.

B.O.B. - Tell me this is happening again?
Alex - Hopefully! We had a good turn out and also a lot of fun, it would be a shame for it not to happen again.

B.O.B. - Anything else you want to mention?
AlexMiss Elissa Mah needs a special mention for putting in all the effort and organising it, wasn't for her it wouldn't of happened.

All photos were stolen from Alex's Facebook. 

Huge thanks goes to the sponsors of the camp who are all being proactive in growing the girls downhill scene:

Ultimate Boards, Sector 9, Cheapskates Skate Skool, The Paper Rain Project, Heelside Magazine and Shifty Boards.

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