30 January 2014

Chick Clip Of The Week 9.0

This video from O'tang has got the coolest vibes. 3 girls having fun and getting it done. Downhill to freeride to dancing these girls can do it all! #skateeverything


25 January 2014

Top 10: BirdsOnBoards To Follow On Instagram

If you want to keep up with what's going on in the world of women's skating on instagram, well, here is our list of who you should be following! If you think we have missed someone, make sure you comment below to let us know!!!

 1. @birds_on_boards

2. @fillbackside & @carmen_sutra (Alicia Fillback & Carmen Sutra)
4. @knoopdogg (Mini Knoop)
5. @amandapowellskate (Amanda Powell)
6. @alanasmithskate (Alana Smith)
7. @longboardgirlscrew
8. @noravexplora (Nora Vasconcellos)
9. @e_coree (Elena Corrigall)
10. @pamdiazz (Pam Diaz)

22 January 2014

Mini Clip 2.0

Here is another one of our mini- clips.

This one also features my long time skate hero Elena Corigall! Love that girl so much.

It was my first run on 'Ben 10' in a few months and I was absolutely packing it.

But I had so much fun. Check it out!

On a side note, I have some birdsonboards tshirts for sale! If you are interested in one send me an email at birdsonboards1@gmail.com

Much love,

20 January 2014


Here is a mini clip of Team Rider Aki Yaguchi shredding a local right hander. My dodgy go pro filming skills just doesn't do her justice. Aki skates for a bunch of companies (Sk8er, TSG, WSE, PNL, Abec 11 & Stikman Films) and she does them all proud. There is nothing better than a shredder that is also an ace human.

Make sure you watch it in HD!

17 January 2014

Chick Ripper Of The Month: Nora Vasconcellos

I dont care who you are or what you say but Nora Vasconcellos is an absolute mad woman. She shreds in the park, rips in the bowl and flat out assaults anything with vert. I have found myself caught on the #noravexplora train and I won't be getting off at any station soon. Hence why we dub Nora the Chick Ripper Of  The Month!

If you don't know who Nora is then here is what you need to know. She has been skating for nearly 7 years, is from Pembroke, Massachusetts, dates a skater boy, rides for Welcome Skateboards, Puma Shoes, Bern Unlimited, Bones Wheels & Independent Trucks, is really into cats and is also rather entertaining.

If you watch this clip of her at the Vans Mini Ramp without a) getting stoked and b) laughing out loud, you are straight up not normal.

Easily one of the smoothest skaters around town.

She also knows whats up when it comes to womens skateboarding. Check out this pic she instagramed a while ago of her calling it how it is. Although all the proceeds of this deck go to breast cancer research, I think you can tell what message Nora is trying to convey.

So if you still don't get why Nora is legit then why don't I just say that she took out the title at last years Vans Women's Pool Combi Comp and she skates on a board with a sloth on the bottom. We wish Nora and all the chickas competing at the Vans Combi this weekend the best of luck! We shall be watching!

Thanks Nora for being a ripper and stoking out so many girls worldwide. Girls who kick it are exactly what the skating scene needs! Who else do you think is kicking it at the moment when it come to women on skateboards, comment below?

14 January 2014

GCGC Skate Camp - No Boys Allowed*

We interviewed Alex Walls one of the chick rippers from across the channel to find out a little bit about what went down at the Garden City Girls Crew Skate Camp over the past week.

*Boys were allowed if they wore dresses and had long hair.

B.O.B. - Tell me a little about what you got up to in the last few days?
Alex - I've just spent the past week skateboarding and camping with a gang of rad chichas (and one or two males) here in Christchurch.

B.O.B. - Rock on, what was the best part for you?
Alex - Ooh, that's a tricky question! Progressing was sick, I don't think I've ever skated as fast down a hill as I did on the camp, also getting comfortable with mobbing hills in a pack and bump drafting. What was a really good feeling was seeing the other girls just give everything a go and have a blast doing it. The stoke levels were out of this world, it was fantastic

B.O.B. -  Were there many beginners?
Alex - Yep, a few. we had Kim who came all the way from Cairns for the camp. Didn't, know anyone, never skated before in her life. The first day we were holding her hand while she rolled along and at the end of the week she was bombing down some reasonably steep slopes and learning how to Ollie! And Kiri, learnt how to bomb a hill, 2 days later she was competing in the Summit Outlaw, doing pretty well on 4kms of the worlds worst chip seal.

B.O.B. - Chip seal is of the devil, I bet you made friends for life though.
Alex - Yeah defiantly, we miss each other already haha. I don't really know how to explain (I think every female skateboarder will know what I mean) but there's just something about skating with other girls, it's like a sisterhood. Skating with the boys is rad but there's just something special about skating with another lady.

B.O.B. - It can never be explained, that's the magic behind it. So you guys legit camped?
Alex - We kind of cheated a little bit. The first few nights we camped but it was so windy and chilly we dragged all our stuff into the kitchen/dining area and slept in there.

B.O.B. - Resourceful, like a boss. I'm assuming there were some gnarly pavement eating stacks?
Alex - That's how the realist bitches camp yo! Oh yeah a few aye. Ling took a bit of fall on the mini ramp and banged her face ending up with a nice bruise on her cheek. I lost a bit of skin on my bum and I think we all took a stack during the race.

B.O.B. - Tell me this is happening again?
Alex - Hopefully! We had a good turn out and also a lot of fun, it would be a shame for it not to happen again.

B.O.B. - Anything else you want to mention?
AlexMiss Elissa Mah needs a special mention for putting in all the effort and organising it, wasn't for her it wouldn't of happened.

All photos were stolen from Alex's Facebook. 

Huge thanks goes to the sponsors of the camp who are all being proactive in growing the girls downhill scene:

Ultimate Boards, Sector 9, Cheapskates Skate Skool, The Paper Rain Project, Heelside Magazine and Shifty Boards.


Amanda Powell is boss.


6 January 2014

Underexposed Documentary

UNDEREXPOSED: A Women’s Skateboarding Documentary is a documentary film that highlights women’s skateboarding as well analyzes the skate industry’s approach to female skateboarders.

This is a documentary that has been put together by Amelia Broka. Here is what she said about the film,
"The film is not whiny, accusatory or full of finger-pointing. It is merely an examination of the current opportunities available to female athletes in action sports, particularly skateboarding. By analyzing the media and marketing tactics of the skateboarding industry, we can learn how to promote an increase of opportunities for girls and women who want to pursue skateboarding."

Underexposed will be available to watch on the 18th of February through the iTunes Store. 

UNDEREXPOSED trailer from Amelia Brodka on Vimeo.

3 January 2014


This is my home gurl Gemma Holland, she is complete ripper and I'm stoked that she is all healed up and back on a board. This video was from about a year ago, check out those toeys!

X's in Paris from Gemma Holland on Vimeo.

1 January 2014

A Lesson For 2014 From 2013

As long as we have new years we will have new years resolutions, whether you like it or not everyone loves the idea of a fresh start. The new year brings with it an opportunity to learn from your mistakes of the year just gone. A great deal happened for me and my skating in 2013, I learnt a lot all in preparation for the year I find myself starting - 2014!

Last year I dropped in on a 9ft bowl, went over 90km an hour, got asked to ride for a number of radical companies all for the first time, oh and I realised that skating is something I want to do forever. The biggest lesson I learnt in 2013 was if you want to get good at something, you actually have to do it. 

I caught myself for a long time imagining how to do certain slides into a corner, or how to ollie or how to drop in. And don't get me wrong visualising something is a very handy thing, but you truly are never going to be able to say your did a switch toey unless you actually get on a board and try. There are only so many youtube tutorials, so many times you can ask how to do something on forum pages, there really is only one way to land that trick you always wanted to and that is by doing it. 

Yes you might fall 24 out of the 25 times you try (this happens to me a lot) but that one time you do nail it, you take a mental picture of what that felt like and you replicate it. You now know what that dude on youtube meant by what it feels like to lose traction and hook back up, you now know how much weight you have to put on your front foot in order to drop in. So if there was one lesson I learnt from all of 2013 it is that you have to do it, in order to do it. 

#getonyourboard #getoffyoutube

I would like to thank all my sponsors that I picked up in 2013, without them I would still be skating but with them I can do more than just skate. Most of these guys started out just being my sponsors but now I call most of them my friends. They are the ones who backed me and the female skating community and I couldn't be more grateful for that. To Glyde Longboards (Lesso, Pete & Ash), Pretty Noise Lab Trucks (Douglas & Denny), Technical Safety Gear (Rodney & Bec), SK8ER (Ian & Karen), Abec 11 (Tony)  and Wright's Speed Equipment (Tim) thank you for the gear, the advice, the support and most of all the fun!

 Happy New Year from Me (Phoebe Cochrane) & BirdsOnBoards