28 April 2014

The Knee-be Comeback Tour: Stay Thankful

So here we go, this is the first of I'm sure many posts on my journey from being broken to getting back on a board.

About 3 hours ago I had an appointment with my surgeon to find out the verdict on another bunch of MRIs but this time for my other knee. The images from the scans showed what I feared most, another ruptured Anterior Cruciate Ligament. My doctor put it perfectly, 'Guess you aren't one to do things in half'. I laughed at that... a lot.

So what does this mean for me? Well, it means another operation, three months after my first one (which is next week). Means more rehab, more time for me to go crazy but most importantly more for me to be thankful for.

Im thankful for my family and friends who are all top notch humans, they offer me never ending amounts of support and kind words which makes life easier. I classify all my sponsors as my friends as well, having them back me even when I can't skate is one of the most inspiring things for me. I am also thankful for my faith, because without that I don't know how I would be able to deal with such a stupid situation.

It sucks that I don't have the best of knees at the moment but the lesson that I learnt today is not to look at what you don't have, look at what you do have.



27 April 2014

CCOTW: Double Trouble

There were just to many great videos lurking around on the interwebs this week of chicks ripping. So we chose two of our favourites instead of just one #sorrynotsorry. The first is a compilation of clips from Nora Vasconcellos, she literally makes me want to go skate and have a good time. The second video is of some of the Longboard Girls Crew showing off their skills while steal boys hats (it's a cool concept). Tell us what you think below!!

19 April 2014

Push 4 Parker - The Aki Edition

Team Rider Aki Yaguchi made the ridiculous decision to skate 80km on her skateboard to raise awareness and funds for a young little fella Parker who was diagnosed with Down Syndrome at birth.  Here is a photo series of her exhausting but inspiring day!

Aki was the only 'bird' to do the push! #shekilleditforthechicks

Aki being filmed about the day. Sneaky #glydelonboards banner in the background.

The day got seriously hot at one stage, nothing like some cold water down your back to cool down.

Just keep pushing, just keep pushing, pushing, pusshhing...

Aki after skating the 80km got to give Parker some sweaty hugs.

 Aki complete smashed after an incredible effort. She pretty much lead the pack for the last 40km. #toughasnails

To find out more about how you can help Parker out head on over to the Push 4 Parker facebook page. 

All photos were taken by Phoebe Cochrane. 

We Finally Got Facebook

I don't know whether this is a good thing or not, but we finally got facebook. It is going to be a good way for us to advertise events and be able to get in contact with you chickas directly. If you know of any women who are keen on skating or if any of you boys that wanna meet a bunch of girls who rip it up on a skatey, LIKE THE PAGE! We think it is time that the fun is returned to skating, nothing too serious just a bunch of good times on wheels. Our next skate date is happening on the 3rd of May and you can find the event page right here >>> https://www.facebook.com/events/248828795301976/

How handy is that eh?

Get rad and stay rad, see you on a hill or at the skatepark!

Oh and here is a link to our facebook page! >>> https://www.facebook.com/pages/Birds-On-Boards/702786593097134

15 April 2014

CCOTW: Men Dance - Women Skate

Girls who skateboard are like men who do ballet, you don't often see them but when you do they are incredible. It's a challenge being the one to walk into a sport dominated by the opposite sex, but if you are passionate and love it enough it shouldn't matter to you. Who it matters is the next generation - our aim is to develop a group of young girls who see skateboarding as a normal activity for women.

This documentary may be a few years old but it really hits the nail on the head. Why not share this post around, and help make #birdsonboards as normal as #boysonboards!


11 April 2014

We've Got An Online Store!

We have had an online store for a while, but I have never really posted about it or anything like that. We are selling products to essentially put some cash money in a bank account so we can start to build that women's skateboard scene in Brisbane, Australia. The plan is to take over the world in the end but you have to start small.

We want to see women's skating (both downhill and park) grow and help give those girls who love it a helping hand with exposure and other rad things like that. But I am sure as you all know everything takes money so that's why we have some rad products up for sale. These include T-shirts and stickers at the moment with plans to grow our range.

We have some recycled skateboard products in the works as well and they should be available very soon! Also a new range of shirts designed by local artist Joel Matherson will be up a little bit later on. Thanks for all your support!

Here is a link to the shop http://www.birdsonboards.bigcartel.com/ go check it out!!!

9 April 2014

Weekend Madness: Skate Dates

Here are a bunch of pictures from the last Skate Date we held a few months ago. We are planning on holding another Skate Date very soon so make sure you keep your eyes out for that. These pictures always make me so happy, enjoy!


Can't get enough of your love baby! We all know em' and we all love em' Alicia & Carmen are at it again, shredding the streets of San Francisco! Tell us what you think below!!

8 April 2014

Just When You Thought We All Died...

Do not worry, Birds On Boards is still alive! We haven't said anything, done anything skated anything in a long time, I would apologise for being so quiet but learning life lessons are far more important. Read on to find out what is actually going on!

About two months ago I found out that having a swollen and very painful knee can sometimes mean that you have ruptured your Anterior Cruciate Ligament (this was news to me). After a couple of appointments and a few scans it was confirmed, so now I am in no mans land waiting for surgery so I can begin the months of rehab that will get me back on a board. So what does this all have to do with birdsonboards?

Well you see I am a very selfish person and to see other people skating when I can't is literally the hardest thing for me. Well WAS the hardest thing for me. In the last two months I have learnt a couple of lessons that I think I will hold on to for the rest of my life. 

1. Just because you can't, doesn't mean that other can't as well.

2. It isn't all about the end destination, sometimes getting there is the whole point.

3. Don't go jumping around on beaches because you will most likely injure your other knee! What up double knee surgery!!!

I will expand on those thoughts a little later down the track. I have decided to do a continuing blog post called 'Broken to Back on Board'  which will follow my journey from surgery to rehab to skating again! Make sure you watch out for that.  

So the good news is that we are back in business, we will be back to posting interviews, sick videos of chicks ripping and most importantly back to running our monthly skate dates! 

Much love,


PS. Here is a rad pic of one of my x-rays.